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I woke up. It was 10 am and a Saturday. I got up, yawned and smiled.

"Frances!" I called out. She walked in and she was crying, with her hand over her mouth.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She was speechless. She hand gestured someone to come in, and Kurt came in. Fucking Kurt. I didn't know what to say- I was speechless, too. He hugged me tightly, and I started to cry of happiness.

"How the fuck are you here? Am I dead or dreaming?" I asked, confused.

He laughed and just shrugged. "I don't know. It's been forever, I guess the dead wanted me back home." He said.


We were all watching a movie. Kurt was still young. He snuggled me and Frances close, and he looked so happy. His eyes were that same blue, he still smelled like cheap cologne and cigarette, his scruffy beard was still the same, his hair was long and rough, and his touch was still soft and warm and it was amazing.

"Where's Dave and Krist?" he asked.

"I'll call them and tell them to come over." I said, with a big grin.


Krist and Dave walked in, and I told them to follow me. I walked to the living room, and they saw Kurt and instantly started crying.

"Kurt! How the fuck did you get here?" Dave asked.

"Dead wanted me back." Kurt said with a smile. It gave me the butterflies- like how I felt everyday we were together.

Krist hugged him tightly and so did Dave.

"We missed you so much." They both said.

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